Winter 2024 Newsletter

President’s Report

We’re getting traction. While the paddlers just keep on Paddling there has been an uptick in Walking. Although we’ll be without Chris English leading the pack for a while due to injury Teresa Urbanski is back in the program with Wednesday activities. Without much help from the weather Greg Smith is putting on some great grade 4 adventures.  With some newcomers having turned up improperly prepared, the opportunity for ever-ongoing improvement to our guidelines wording, is being taken up.

It is the cyclists with stories to tell. Jill Hawke’s Victoria trip with 28 was a resounding success and Bicycle NSW have asked us to provide a story for their newsletter. Peter Aubourg has this project under way. You’ll see the finished product in our Spring Newsletter. Another cycling story appeared in the Illawarra Flame Northern Suburbs April edition while Julie McDonald has penned one of her highly regarded “member interviews” with Robert Lynn and Pat Robson for publication in the Flame’s Shellharbour edition as well as here. Finally, Penny Howes and I have reached Ride Leader Accreditation status with Bicycle NSW simplifying insurance for activities we lead. Phil Prentice, Rudy Drmota and Peter Aubourg will be assessed for the same accreditation in Nowra in June. A well organised fun day networking with other affiliated Cycling groups in Homebush was made so much more enjoyable by the antics of Phil Prentice and Gerry Riorden acting as injured cyclists to test leaders’ responses.

Those of you who attended the AGM in December might recall one committee position, not identified by name was left unfilled. We have been considering whether to have a “Social Event” organiser or an “Advocacy” spokesperson. No request has been made to existing committee people to take on an extra role, so we thought of advertising to the membership both roles and see who comes forward, for one, the other. or both.

For both the above opportunities, the committee meets around 8 times a year at Illawarra Yacht Club 2:30pm Wednesdays for 2 hours.

To find out more, or to lobby for yourself, (or someone else) address a note to, or phone or text me, see Members List.


It is with great regret I advise that your much-loved club secretary Penny Lovibond has advised that she is moving to Canberra. To speed up the packing-up and house-selling processes she, and we, are hoping somebody within the club could please fill her shoes. Not easy.

For more information about the position, click here.

John Groom