Summer 2022 Newsletter

PRESIDENT’S REPORT                                                                                                                    

 While the membership numbers remain stubbornly lower than they were prior to Covid, the activities are gradually picking up now that the weather is less disruptive.  Thank you to those leaders who have been so resilient in scheduling activities, cancelling then rescheduling due to the fickle weather over the last few months.   It has been good to see a resurgence of Sydney walks which are proving to be as popular as ever. Unfortunately, some bushwalking areas are still out of bounds due to weather damage, locally there are paths which are still closed, for example the Mount Keira Ring Track.

We’ve had a number of trips away (one kayaking, two cycling) which have been enjoyed by several members.  Such is the demand that most trips tend to be fully booked within a few days of publication.  We are always grateful to trips leaders who do such a wonderful job in planning, reconnoitering and organizing groups of 12 to almost 30 people over several days, be it hiking, kayaking or cycling.

Another year has almost gone.  We’re looking forward to catching up with many of you at the AGM and Christmas party on Saturday 3rd December.

We wish all of you and your families a safe and enjoyable holiday season, and all the best in 2023.


Penny Howes

On behalf of the Ramblers Club Committee