Insurance for ebike riders – Update

As indicated in our previous notice, we sought clarification about the condition relating to ebikers and conventional bikers riding together:  “Ebikes must be ridden in a group together with conventional bikes and at the same speed as the conventional bikes”.  Specifically, we asked if ebike riders are covered by insurance if there happen to be no conventional bike riders in the group. 

The response was that ebike riders will not be covered unless there is at least one conventional bike rider in the group.

Ebike riders depending on the club insurance need to be aware of this should there be a situation where only ebike riders turn up for a Ramblers Club ride.

We have asked for this condition to be removed without success, so we will continue to look into other options which may be more suitable for the longer term.

Here is the link again should you want to read all the conditions.

Penny HowesPresident