Bushwalking NSW is the peak body for bush walkers in NSW and the ACT. It represents the interests of over 10,000 bush walkers from 66...
Larapinta Trail – August 2015
LARAPINTA TREK – WEST MACDONNELL RANGE, NT 21ST AUGUST TO 26TH AUGUST 2015 Vacancies still exist – limited to 16 walkers This is a reminder...
Activities Program
The printout of the Activities Program now includes descriptions of activities which were initially missing. It is unavoidably longer than what we were used to...
Summer 2014 Newsletter
This is our first quarterly Newsletter on the new website. You no longer have to download and open a PDF document – all our activities...
Presidents Report
Please re-read the committee’s report in the Spring Newsletter ‘Changes are in the Wind’. The work goes on as does the club’s expansion. When I...
Christmas Party 19th December – for members and their guests
Christmas is fast approaching and so is our Christmas Party at the Dapto Leagues Club. We hope to see many of you there. It’s a...
Membership Fees
2015 Membership Fees are due by 31 December. Go to the Membership page where you will be able to join online. Alternatively you can download...
Notice of Ramblers Club AGM
WEA ILLAWARRA RAMBLERS CLUB Annual General Meeting When: 9.30 am Saturday 7th March, 2015 Where: Blackbutt Reserve – Shellharbour Directions: Turn off Shellharbour...
A metre matters! So give a metre!
Bicycle NSW is supporting the Amy Gillett Foundation’s call to amend the Australian Road Rules to legislate that drivers allow a minimum of 1 metre...
Tech Savvy Seniors courses at the WEA
The WEA Illawarra is offering free Apple iPad courses for Seniors (aged 60+) during November. Numbers are strictly limited, contact the WEA to enrol. ...