All members are encouraged to attend our AGM which will be held on Saturday 23rd September starting 10.00am at Illawarra Rhododendron Gardens Parrish Ave, Mount Pleasant. It is always a friendly social event followed by a walk through the gardens and a BBQ.
If there are any issues members would like to raise pertaining to the Constitution please notify Trish Mackey Secretary by 18th August.
We are looking for members to join our Committee to contribute their knowledge, skills and ideas. If you are interested in being on the Committee please discuss with any of the current committee members by the 18th August.
We are also looking for more members to propose activities. New leaders and new activities keeps the club fresh and our members interested.
For catering purposes, attendance at the AGM is a “Registration Essential’ activity. Please notify Phil Prentice by Wednesday 20th September if you are coming – see the Leaders List for contact details.